"As the world reinvents itself, so must our minds: adapting our essence to a once in a 400-year paradigm shift"



At the Ekskäret Foundation, we embrace the significant responsibility of empowering young individuals, guiding them to evolve into thoughtful contributors to our future. Our methodology is anchored in the understanding that shaping tomorrow requires a profound engagement with the present, marked by continuous evolution and learning.

In an era of rapid transformations and intricate challenges, we dedicate ourselves to the thoughtful examination of essential questions. Our exploration delves into the dynamics shaping our reality, the ongoing cultural and societal shifts, the root causes of prevailing crises, and how we might harness our collective capacities for the greater good.

Over the past fifteen years, we have had the honor of bringing together a wide range of international thought leaders, nurturing dialogues that link personal development with societal advancement. These discussions are crucial for uncovering insights that guide our actions in an ever-changing world.

Our journey has illuminated the stark reality that we are entangled in a web of unsustainability and systemic crises, inadvertently co-created by us all. This predicament has emerged from competitive behaviors and fragmented worldviews, exacerbated by the escalating power of technology, which together threaten our collective future and the natural world. This situation compels us to reexamine the foundational models and paradigms that underlie our societal structures. By rethinking and redesigning these core elements, we can steer towards a future that is not only sustainable but also regeneratively flourishing.

In this continuous quest we are dedicated to a philosophy of openness, continuous learning, and collaborative engagement. We extend an invitation to everyone aligned with these values to join us on this introspective and transformative journey, aiming, with both humility and resolve, to foster a world that upholds our core principles of equity, sustainability, and collective well-being. 



The Nature of Our Global Crises

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In our quest to understand the complexities of our era, we delve into the essence of the multifaceted global challenges we face. The discourse varies—some refer to our situation as a 'perma-crisis,' others term it a 'poly-crisis.' However, we gravitate towards the concept of a 'meta-crisis.' This notion suggests that beneath the surface of these turbulent times lie deeper, interconnected causes—a web of systemic issues that transcend individual crises. Read more about this here.

A Shift in Worldview

Navigating beyond the meta-crisis requires a profound transformation in our collective perspective. We are positioned in what some visionaries describe as "a time between worlds.” This pivotal phase signals the exhaustion of outdated paradigms, beckoning the emergence of new, yet-unformed ways of understanding. It's a moment demanding we move past linear, reductive approaches and the sole emphasis on quantifiable realities. Instead, we're called to embrace a holistic perspective, integrating unseen, internal dimensions with the external, tangible world, at the same time acknowledging our participation in a single, dynamic, self-organizing system.

To See the Water We Are Swimming In

Increasing our awareness of the cultural waters in which we swim is fundamental. Recognizing that while culture influences our thoughts and actions, we collectively possess the power to reshape societal culture itself. We are all, knowingly or unknowingly, architects of our shared reality. Realizing our full potential in sculpting this reality requires us to harness our collective agency—an imperative that grows more critical as our capacity for collective sense-making faces increasing strain. By cultivating this collective insight, we can unlock the profound freedom to design our future, a task that demands unwavering collaboration and shared vision.

Understanding the Drivers and the Depth of the Meta Crisis

The cause of the metacrisis is human behavior, manifesting individually, collectively, and through the systems we have established. These unsustainable behaviors are underpinned by our mental models of separation, reduction, and linearity, along with perspectives of self, others, nature, and what we value. Such perspectives encourage selfishness, prioritizing short-term gains, and self-optimization at the expense of the whole. Therefore, all viable solutions must go beyond addressing surface-level symptoms, such as the climate emergency, inequality, or species extinction. What is required is not simply to become better players in the old game but to recognize the game and its rules, envision futures beyond the current parameters, and then create a superior game. This new game should be regenerative, focusing not on winning but on sustaining the play for all future generations and all life.

The Need to Develop Human Inner Capacities

In an era where complexity escalates and technological advancements accelerate, the imperative to expand our cognitive and emotional faculties becomes increasingly apparent. It's clear that to navigate this intricate world, humans require not just knowledge, but wisdom—cultivated both individually and collectively. But what are the crucial inner capacities we must foster to lead fulfilling lives and effectively address our shared global challenges?

We are exploring essential qualities such as emotional intelligence, resilience, empathy, and ethical reasoning, contemplating how these can be nurtured to enhance our collective wisdom. How can we support their growth culturally, educationally, and through community engagement? Our initiatives, including youth camps, our non-profit digital platform AWARE, and the Inner Development Goals project, are dedicated to this exploration. These programs are designed to empower individuals and communities to unlock their potential and contribute meaningfully to our world.

The rapid deployment of Artificial Intelligence

The rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), presents a complex array of threats and possibilities that intertwine with this metacrisis. On one hand, AI offers unprecedented opportunities for solving intricate problems, enhancing efficiency, and unlocking new realms of innovation, potentially aiding in our quest to forge a sustainable future. However, it also poses significant threats, such as exacerbating inequalities, enabling surveillance states, and, most critically, leading to autonomous systems that could operate beyond human control or ethical boundaries. How can our understanding of human consciousness development guide our efforts to create AI that benefits the entirety of humanity and the planet?

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Regeneration – Wisdom – Transcendence

Our inquiry extends to the profound interconnections between regeneration, wisdom, and transcendence. Is wisdom the foundation upon which a regenerative society must be built? Can we consider a society truly regenerative if it does not foster the cultivation of wisdom, and what is the role of self-transcendence in this process? We ponder whether wisdom inherently necessitates a linkage to the transcendent, exploring how this connection might inspire and sustain a society committed to renewal, sustainability, and holistic well-being.

Nature as a Catalyst for Individual and Group Development

We also delve into the transformative power of nature in personal and collective development. How can natural environments facilitate our journey towards deeper self-awareness, enhanced interpersonal connections, and a more profound sense of unity with our planet? Furthermore, in our secular contexts, how might nature inspire a connection to the transcendent, enriching our spiritual lives and broadening our understanding of existence?

Our engagement with these questions extends beyond mere academic interest and is deeply practical, embodying an approach that shapes the design of our programs and the core of our community initiatives. Through thoughtful exploration and active participation, we are dedicated to unveiling pathways toward a more enlightened, compassionate, and sustainable world—a pursuit that aligns with our vision of fostering what might be termed 'a more conscious society.'


Contact Us

If your organization is curious about our perspectives and wishes to delve deeper, we welcome you to reach out. Erik Fernholm, our chair, is available to share his insights through keynote presentations or workshops. Whether you're looking to inspire your team, enhance your organizational culture, or explore new paradigms of thinking and being, our customized presentations and workshops are crafted to meet your unique interests and challenges.